School attendance is crucially important for children and young people’s education, their wellbeing, their safety, and their future prospects. Schools are there to support parents and carers to make sure their children attend school regularly. At Mountford Manor we are supporting Swindon Learning Together's (SLT) initiative Attend; Achieve; Succeed which is encouraging an improvement in school attendance across the town.
School attendance is a focus for the Department for Education and is measured by the number of sessions “lost”. Each school day has two sessions, which is why registers are taken twice a day. Ninety percent school attendance is equal to half a day of absence per week – over a year that adds up to four weeks of absence in an academic year.
Sometimes though, getting children to school isn’t easy, for instance, if a child is anxious or refusing to go, this can also be a worrying time for parents. If this is the case, we as a school are able to help you and your child settle back into a good routine.
If you would like support in getting your child into school please contact us via email: [email protected] or call the school office on 01793 536494.
For further advice and support on getting your child into school visit the SLT website below.