On Thursday 24th November; Mountford Manor's girl football team (the MMP all-stars) participated in the Swindon-wide football tournament at Foundation Park.

The first game was a hard fought 1-0 victory with some brilliant football played throughout the team. In the second game, the MMP all-stars won comfortably with a 2-0 win. A fantastic goal from MG and a bullet volley from TB. The last game of the group stages saw MMP fight out a hard fought 0-0 with KH playing bravely in goal. the MMP all-star team topped their group and went into the knock out round. Unfortunately, despite amazing team work and determination they lost 1-0.

On returning to school, all players maintained a positive attitude with Mr. Jones stating;

"I was so proud of the girls. Despite the torrential rain, they kept a smile on their faces and showed some amazing footballing skill and teamwork."