Year 6 had a very exciting trip last Wednesday as they visited Gorse Hill Baptist Church to experience Easter Unwrapped.

During their visit, they learnt all about the significance of Easter through a number of interactive activities. Our pupils got to make their very own crosses out of palm leaves; try, unblessed, communion bread and even drank some non-alcoholic wine! Don’t worry it was really just grape juice.

After these fun activities the children got to learn all about the biblical story of Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem. This was when the citizens greeted him by laying palm leaves on the ground for his donkey to walk over. The church team also set up some information stations. These were placed around the church and Year 6 could read them to learn more about Palm Sunday.

We really appreciate Gorse Hill Baptist Church inviting us to their lovely premises and offering our pupils an educational and engaging experience. The children really enjoyed learning about the significance of Easter and we can’t wait to go back.